Saturday, April 13, 2013

Update from Janice

Kara is resting more and more these days.  The large tumor behind her right eye is growing and bothers her more each day so Keith keeps her comfortable with oxycontin among other medications.  She continues to crave chocolate, coffee, cats and music, although she likes the music to be quieter now.  

Because of Kara's need for more rest, Keith asks that visits be limited and that there be no visits after 6pm.  I urge you to call or text Keith ahead of time if you need to come over to make sure it is the right time.  If you are bringing food, supplies, or anything else, please leave them at their front door. 

What we can all do is send them our love.  Play some music Kara loves.  In these last months Kara has especially loved listening to Bob Schneider, The Head and The Heart, Nirvana, Phish and maybe you know some other music she loves that you could play for yourself while sending strength to this dear, dear family.  


Kara, Keith, Gregory, Miko and Kara's Mother Ronda at Mayfield park.


  1. Sending love to everyone. Sharon Snow (Elizabeth's mom)

  2. And more love. Vanessa, Shannon, Ellie & Heather

  3. i'm not sure if kara likes this, but i've been listening to "she's a rainbow" by the stones and it makes me think of her.- lex carroll
