Monday, September 24, 2012


hello, everyone! I am so tired today and feel like my body has been put through the wringer. I guess it's caught up with me. I see my surgeon tomorrow for my first post opt visit. I am hoping she takes this drain line and bag off me. I want to sit freely without worrying about this drain bag. I've had a few moments of realization about the dynamics of my new body. When I look down my chest, I see my belly more then before because there is no boob to block the view. This will definitely take some getting used to. There are two things I've always had: hair and boobs. Now I have neither. So many changes to process. I have a lot of doctor's appointments this week and the plan is to refigure my chemo treatments. I am actively researching trying to find the most effective chemo against triple negative cancers. I want results. I am not going to poison my body if the cancer is not responding. I have my second round of tests and scans on Thursday. Hopefully the tumors in my lungs were being selfish and taking all the chemo. I hope everyone has a great week and keep fingers crossed that the brain scan comes back negative!!!!!

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